Link Bundle – June 4


Google Shell Online –
Any *nix lovers (and Google lovers) should definitely check this site out. It’s basically a shell interface to Google… on a web page. Awesome!

Not An OS
Tim Bray vents his frustration about people calling the internet the “Web OS” and generally comparing the internet to an operating system. Preach on, brotha!

Learning ActionScript 3.0: A Beginners Guide Free Ebook
Free Ebook! Get your free Ebook! Isn’t that the chant of the internet for the past several years? Well, here is one that teaches ActionScripting. Hey, it’s free so it can’t hurt to check it out.

The Essence of Software
The title reminds me of Essence of Emeril, but that’s food for another blog! Paul W. Homer presents a new Wiki project to bring software engineers together and create the ultimate blueprint of software development. Go check it out… and contribute!

Embed Google Earth In Your Site
Brady Forrest gives a quit and dirty how-to and embedding Google Earth into your site! Easy and simple.