

Jonathan Franzone Headshot Hello, my name is Jonathan Franzone. I was born in 1975 in Pensacola, FL where I still reside. I am married to a beautiful woman and have three great kids. You can read and see more about my family on our Family Blog.

I am a software engineer, web geek, World of Warcraft nerd, musician, martial arts guy and a whole bunch of other stuff. My passion for blogging started this year and I find great enjoyment in it. I’ve met some really interesting people online and connected with people all over the world just through blogging.

It is my dream and hope that one day I will be able to work completely for myself blogging and working on whatever hair-brain idea I’ve come up with at the time. I’ve seen it done and I know it is possible, it’s just a matter of hard and consistent work. Well, thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the posts!

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So where does the name Franzone come from? Franzone Totally Explained