I’ve had a number of people inquire as to where the funny family posts went. Well, they have been queuing up in my head and in a to-do list as I have not been wanting to write them anymore in this blog. Why not? Well, I’ve been struggling with separation anxiety. No, I don’t miss my mommy… I just need to separate my blog posts to keep my readers segregated and my advertising kept on topic. Fear not, however I will be continuing that line of postings, but just not here.
I’ve upgraded and revamped our family site in preparation for this task and it is now ready. So any of you faithful readers who were previously interested in my family and parenting category may want to check out the new blog aptly named the Franzone Family Blog. Now you can get all of the Franzone family humor without all of the geeky techno babble!
Of course don’t forget while you’re over there to:
- Subscribe to my RSS Feed
- And Subscribe to my Email Updates
That way you won’t miss any of the upcoming stories that will be sure to either make you laugh or cry… or perhaps both. I’ll also be posting updates of my current job hunt on that site… yeah, I’m still looking.