Google’s acquisition of Feedburner is turning out to be a good one! Well, so far and for the users at least. I’ve seen bits and pieces of this scattered about the internet today so I decided to go check it out for myself. Want the scoop?
Well, the PRO services aren’t actually free. You can try them out for free on a 15 day trial. Yay. Wooptey-doo. After that they are the same price as before.
Here’s the kicker and the one that IS exciting though… at least for me. The MyBrand PRO services offered by FeedBurner IS now FREE. Completely. Wow! What is MyBrand you ask? It’s a service that allows you to serve your FeedBurner feeds on your domain url. Instead of redirecting people to for my feed, I’ll be able to send them to just like normal and it’ll be completely legit through the FeedBurner service. That’s what I’m talking about, baby!
How do I sign up!? Login to FeedBurner as usual. Click on My Account. You’ll see on the left hand navigation the MyBrand PRO option. There is a link to click on, which is just an email address. That’s right… you have to email their support team and an actual person should respond and give you directions for setting this all up. I can’t help you beyond this point because I just requested mine today and haven’t received a response yet. I’ll post again on the process as soon as I get a response though.
So to all you FeedBurners, happy blogging… MyBrand style!