Well, it looks like the MD5 hashing algorithm is falling with a big thud. A research group recently attacked the MD5 algorithm using 200 PlayStation 3 systems and were able to construct a bogus Certificate Authority that looks like a known trusted CA. What does this mean? Well, it could mean lost revenue for online retailers (Amazon, E-Bay, etc). If HTTPS connections become less and less reliable due to the certificate authorities dragging their heels on upgrading, then more and more people will be more timid about making online purchases. Especially when they can run down to the Barnes & Noble down the street and not have to worry about such techy topics.
This news of course comes to you from CrunchGear. Read the whole article titled: MD5 collision creates rogue Certificate Authority. WARNING: it gets a little technical so you may just want to scan it, unless that sort of thing is your bag… baby!