I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

How To: Get Average of Variable Range in Excel

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Have you ever needed to get an average of a group of numbers in an Excel spreadsheet? And have you ever needed to do so with a range that is variable? In other words, “I need to get an average of Column B, but I don’t know upfront how many rows are going to be in Column B.”

Well, it turns out to be fairly simple in Excel. I’m partly sharing this with the world to be a help to others, but also because I forget things… and I needed a place to keep it!

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Dilbert Day: Still Waiting…

Ever have one of those days when you feel like you’re in a Dilbert comic? I love it when somebody arranges a meeting for, say, 9:30 AM. It’s a phone conference because I work from home most of the time. 9:30 comes and goes. No call. I reach out back to the co-worker who arranged …

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My Entire Ebook Library Online

Oh… you didn’t think that title meant I was providing my entire ebook library to the public, did you? Sorry. Thar be no pirates here, maties. This is more of a tutorial on how I make my ebook library available to me. Onward, hoe!

I love using Calibre to maintain my ebook collection. If you have not heard of it and would like more control over your ebooks, then you should take a look. Calibre also has a built in server that you can access via a web browser. This allows you to browse your ebook collection and download them if you like. This is a really neat feature, except that the software has to be running in order to access it.

What I really want is to be able to publish this library and be able to access it from anywhere without any dependence on my computer and the Calibre software running.

This is my solution.

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New Blog Design

It has been a while since I’ve changed the layout of this blog. I’ve got some plans for more upcoming posts on software engineering, but I wanted to freshen up the feel first. One of my goals was to use the Bootstrap framework to create a responsive layout. In other words, it looks good (or …

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Listing IMAP Mailboxes with Python

I’ve been working on some Python scripts recently to manage my IMAP mailboxes and the information I found on the internet was fairly good, but lacked a completeness that my newbie Python skills required. So, I figured I’d post a complete example to list mailboxes (folders) for your IMAP account. This was developed using Python …

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Hey Microsoft, Where Are My Keyboard Shortcuts!?

I recently upgraded to Microsoft Office 2010. I really like the way the design team is going on their newer versions. It is really sleek and nice feeling, but I’ve noticed something missing… my keyboard shortcuts! I’m a Linux guy at heart (I install cygwin on every Windows machine I own and/or use) so performing …

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