I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

My Entire Ebook Library Online

Oh… you didn’t think that title meant I was providing my entire ebook library to the public, did you? Sorry. Thar be no pirates here, maties. This is more of a tutorial on how I make my ebook library available to me. Onward, hoe!

I love using Calibre to maintain my ebook collection. If you have not heard of it and would like more control over your ebooks, then you should take a look. Calibre also has a built in server that you can access via a web browser. This allows you to browse your ebook collection and download them if you like. This is a really neat feature, except that the software has to be running in order to access it.

What I really want is to be able to publish this library and be able to access it from anywhere without any dependence on my computer and the Calibre software running.

This is my solution.

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WordPress Posting Via Java – Part 2

In the first part of this series titled “Would You Like To Post To WordPress From Java?” I introduced you (hopefully) to the XML-RPC mechanism that WordPress implements. I also showed how it is quite simple to post to a WordPress blog using Java and the Redstone XML-RPC API. In this installation I’d like to …

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XML-RPC Java Sample: Sorry About The Formatting

I just installed the WP-Syntax WordPress plugin for the last post. This was so I could have my sample Java code formatted and syntax highlighted in the post. Wow! I didn’t realize how bad it was going to be formatted. The plugin is nice and the syntax highlighting is good, but the code is formatted …

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