Just in case you didn’t know there have been rumors flying around that Google (Public, NASDAQ:GOOG) had plans to purchase FeedBurner, the RSS management company that many blog sites including this one use. I don’t pay attention to rumors because so many of them fly around these days including the one a couple weeks back about Microsoft (Public, NASDAQ:MSFT) acquiring Yahoo (Public, NASDAQ:YHOO). Apparently this one is the real deal, at least according to TechCrunch. In this article on their site they expound, “The information we have is that the deal is now under a binding term sheet and will close in 2-3 weeks, and there is nothing that can really derail it at this point.”
These guys just don’t quit! Next thing you know they’ll just own the whole internet… perhaps the world. Who knows, maybe they’ll even go after Microsoft next… GoogleOS anyone?