30+ Firefox Tools for Bookmarking & Searching


Mashable.com just posted this list of Firefox Tools and had to give it some cred. I have to say, the folks at Mashable create some killer lists. Here are just a few to wet your appetite.

2 Pane Bookmark – Splits your bookmarks in to two panes, the top one showing the folders, the bottom one showing the folder’s contents.

Annotea Ubimarks – Adds the Annotea social bookmarks and topics to your Firefox browser. Can update locally and then publish.

Bookmark Duplicate Detector – Detects duplicates in your bookmark as you add one, and can also search out existing duplicates and get rid of them.

Bookmark Sync and Sort – Lets you sync your bookmarks with an XML file to keep them backed up and download elsewhere.

Bookmark Tags – Store your bookmarks by tags instead of folders making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Boox – Gives you styled bookmarks, view live feeds as a web page, enhanced search and more.

To see even more, go to the original article on Mashable.com!