I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

Gone Fishin’

5:00 AM Saturday morning the alarm clock goes off. My hand starts instinctively slapping at buttons, “Make it stop! Make it stop!” Just as I start to drift back into the depths of some remote dreamworld I am once again disturbed, only this time my brain is wondering, “What is that noise!?… Oh yeah. Geez. …

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Move Over, Please

“There wasn’t even anyone in front of him!” she fumed as we passed the black dually pickup truck. There was one guy driving the truck which was loaded with a bunch of various boards, ladders, buckets and other things that would indicate that this may be a working man. Yet this was not the first …

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Post Lag and Barbeques

Sorry there has been a lag in my post frequency guys. Work has kind of gotten in the way this week and well… the lights don’t keep themselves on. I only ran three times this week, but I bumped my distance up to four miles per run! So my overall distance is about the same. …

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Easter Nap

So, what did you do for Easter? My ten month old daughter and I eased on back on my mother’s sofa for a nice afternoon nap. Of course my wife could not pass up the opportunity to capture the moment, which also coincidentally provides proof of my snoring, on video. Here for your viewing pleasure …

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Just A Good Run

I had a good run today. The pace was nice and slow, but not a snail’s pace. I was so busy thinking about my blog and what features I was going to add next that I really wasn’t thinking about the run all that much. That tends to make the run seem a lot shorter. …

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Don’t Despair, We Have Comics

I love the products sold by Dispair, Inc. They basically parody the motivational posters that became so popular in work places in the late 80s and 90s. They are called demotivators. Not only are they funny because they poke fun at a cheap attempt (cost of a poster) to motivate employees, but they are funny …

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