Project Deadlines And Risk Mitigation
“Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.” Have you ever complained about customers and scope creep? Well, Wally has the answer for you.
“Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.” Have you ever complained about customers and scope creep? Well, Wally has the answer for you.
App Engine: Host Your Apps with Google Brady Forrest over at O’Reilly Radar gives us the low-down on the new Google App Engine project. This is a hosted platform for creating web applications, including storage, auto-scaling, Google’s processing power and a datastore. Hack Your Mid-Week Routine To Enjoy The Coming Weekend Hyder at Everybody Go …
Here is the situation. You are writing a program in Java. You need to access data in a Microsoft SQL Server via stored procedure and the data has an XML field. A what field? SQL Server 2005 introduces a new datatype for XML. It is essentially a blob field that you can perform XML operations …
In a recent article I outlined how to modify the output of the wp_list_pages() template function in WordPress. Later on, however, I found that having the <span> tags that I added in every single title was not desirable. So instead of using a filter I wrote a small bit of custom code to iterate through …
I just can’t seem to get this song out of my head for the past couple of days so it will be today’s Friday Song Of The Day. It’s Can’t Get It Right Today by Joe Purdy from his album, You Can Tell Georgia (2006). Most people will know the song from the Kia Spectra …
I was recently working on a new WordPress theme when I had need to modify the title of pages before output. The style I was attempting to use involved wrapping <span> tags around the title (inside of the href tags). The wp_list_pages() function returns pages (which are basically the same as posts) and has several …
Many people use the MySQL open source relational database server. Mostly for websites, but I’ve also seen it used elsewhere. One problem that I recently ran into with my local development installation is… “what was my root password again?” Aaaggghh! OK, sorry. Don’t panic; it can be recovered. A quick survey of the internet and …
The song for this week is comin at ya from Tom Petty. This is Flirting With Time from his latest album, Highway Companion (2006). A coyote ran across the road on the move without a home. A flash of light reminded me of you. This could well be your last stand. Hold the sunlight in …
Hey, how do you like the small incremental changes I have been making to the site? What!? You haven’t noticed? Well, that just hurts. 🙁 After the categories consolidation and organization into tags the footer got a little bit of a face lift. The tag cloud now has a larger, more prominent area to stretch …
Have you ever walked into your living room, entertainment room or office and wonder at how bright it was… even with no lights on. At least not any lamps. Many of the electronic devices we use do not turn fully off; there is no hardware switch that completely severs the device’s connection with the power …