I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

What Happens When You Open Every Application On A MacBook Pro?

Some guy decided he’d see if his MacBook Pro could handle opening every application on it… at the same time. He says it took quite a while and paused here and there, but eventually had everything up and running. Amazing! Way to go Apple. Here is the original article on Digg. The picture below links …

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Win A 46″ Toshiba HDTV

PCWorld magazine is giving away a 1080p 46″ Toshiba LCD HDTV! All you have to do is go to http://www.pcworld.com/pcwsurvey and answer a few simple questions about your experiences with PCs, cameras, printers and/or various other electronic devices. When I did the survey it just asked me about laptop PCs and WiFi routers, so I’m …

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Extreme Skydiving Video

This is a cool video someone sent me on YouTube. It’s a collection of swooping, which is one of the more extreme aspects of skydiving. Basically skydivers pilot their canopies in a manner that has them skimming along the ground at insane speeds. They have competitions that include navigating courses, many of which include water. …

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What Kind Of Nerd Are You?

Here is a really funny online quiz that tell you what type of nerd you are. It doesn’t take that long and at the end they will rate you according to the test results from all those who have previously taken it. Plus as a reward they give you a personalized nerd badge that you …

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Hilarious Spam Message

I just had this spam comment come across and it breezed by the Akismet filter. Thankfully I have the moderation (human element) filter engaged as well, but this was a funny one so I thought I’d post it. Hey Everybody! I’ve been lurking for awhile but this is a really cool forum so I decided …

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