I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

Album Review: Red – End Of Silence

Yes, I’m a little late on this one but I just discovered them so I thought I’d share. Red is a rock band consisting of Randy Armstrong (Bass) (twin brother to Anthony), Anthony Armstrong (Guitar) (twin brother to Randy), Jasen Rauch (Guitar), Hayden Lamb (Drums) (has a twin brother) and Michael Barnes (Vocals). Umm… what’s …

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5 Reasons I Love BlogCatalog

A few weeks ago I got a message from Monawea over at the iwebis website. She mentioned a big community buzz event she was organizing for one of the social blogging networks called BlogCatalog. I’ve been really pleased with the community so I said sure. The details of the event can be found in her …

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ProBlogger Top 5 Writing Project – Final Day

I’m fairly new to the blogging world; I started seriously investing in it this year. It has become a new passion for me. One of my new favorite sites is called ProBlogger by a guy named Darren Rowse (an Aussie). Heran a competition/project this week called the Top 5 Group Writing Project. I decided to get involved since I’ve never done anything like this. I really had fun writing my Top 5 Tantalizing Blog Title Techniques. Anyway, I learned a lot, stretched myself in my writing, found some new blogs, made a few new friends online and gained a few new readers (I hope).

Well, for your viewing pleasure and perusal (the pingbacks don’t hurt either) here is the complete list of submissions. Go to the potty and get a drink first… it’s quite large.

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SmartCOP? I Think Not!

Or so says Wilson County Sheriff’s Office and the Wilson Police Department (North Carolina) in an article published on Thursday, April 19, 2007 by the WilsonTimes. [Sheriff Wayne] Gay said his deputies have had nothing but problems with the system and a hard time getting anyone to correct them. “They have not delivered anything in …

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Cow Patti

Oh yeah… you know I had to! I dug this up on the internet… good ole Google. Apparently this guy, Jim Stafford is a musician / comedian that was along the same lines as Ray Stevens. He’s over in Branson, Missouri along with all the other dinosaur acts. Oops… did I say that out loud. …

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