I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

Software Engineering – Can You Have It Good, Fast And Cheap?

Anyone who has been in software engineering can most likely recognize the old project triangle. The basic premise to this triangle is that in software engineering you may pick only two of the tips of this triangle. You can create software quickly and cheaply but it will suffer quality. You can have high quality quickly …

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Conditional Statements And Comparison Order – Part 2

In the original posting, Conditional Statements And Comparison Order, I brought up a coding style used by some software engineers that struck me as odd. The practice of placing a constant value first in a conditional comparison. For example: if(“Some String” == aVariable) { // Do some stuff } … Listing 1 I never liked …

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3rd Party Apps Coming To An iPhone Near You!

iPhone SDK and Apple Finally Listening — Apple Computer’s Steve Jobs just announced that Apple would (finally!) provide an iPhone SDK to 3rd party developers in order to enable them to create native applications for the iPhone (and, incidentally, also for the iPod touch). While the actual SDK won’t ship until February 2008, this announcement …

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FREE Book – Best Practices For Lightweight Code Review

Peer code review is happening behind the scenes at your competitor’s shop. Are they wasting their time or gaining a competitive advantage? What type of review actually works? 10 practical essays from industry experts giving specific techniques for effective peer code review: Cisco: The largest-ever case study of peer code review Modern experiments: results of …

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