I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

Free Magazine Subscription! Internet Retailer

I just received a sign-up offer for a FREE 1 year subscription to Internet Retailer magazine. I don’t do much internet retailing, but for a cost of FREE I couldn’t really pass it up. The sales pitch states that it includes: …comprehensive coverage of the practices, strategies and technologies that are shaping web retailing… latest …

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Song Of The Week – Weekend

Where I live the local Classic Rock radio station has a Friday / weekend tradition. At 5:00PM (quitin’ time) they play the song Weekend by Wet Willie. This of course signifies that the weekend is starting! I used to work for a company where I commuted with one of my best friends. So on the …

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Broken CGI Directory

Through the course of some research for a project I ran across a CGI directory site. Basically it lists various CGI scripts and also a handful of tutorials and tips. The site is http://www.cgi-bin.com. What is so special about this directory? Well, nothing actually. I just thought I’d mention it for the following funny reason. …

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HIGH SPEED DOWNLOADS: 60+ Download Managers

Another fine list from Mashable.com, comin at ya! You know the story: although your ISP claims that your connection is lightning fast, those huge video files you just grabbed off Google Video and YouTube are taking forever to download. Most people figure that slow download speeds are normal. If you use the built-in download manager …

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ClickTale – Beyond Analytics

If you are at all concerned with analyzing user activity on your site, then you are probably already using a tool such as Google Analytics or Statcounter. These are two very good tools and they give a LOT of information. A new site called ClickTale however is pushing the envelope in this arena with some …

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Voice Recognition Toys For Kids? I Don’t Think So.

There has been a new trend in toys for the past couple of years that includes various forms of voice recognition software. Voice recognition technology has always, at least in my personal experience, been a hit or miss proposition. It has definitely gotten better in recent years, but how does it perform on a budget? …

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Tech Bundle – July 23

Have more than one email? Want to aggregate them all into one interface that is online? Fuser, a new service that is still in beta, may be just what the doctor ordered! There’s also a review of the site on Mashable: Fuser to Launch Email Aggregating Service. EachDay is photo and multimedia sharing site that …

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