I code, therefore I am... a software engineer.

People Watching And Bluetooth Headsets, You Look Ridiculous!

When cell phones initially came out they changed the world. People were no longer bound to their land-lines when it came to conversing with the people in their lives. I was actually a cell phone and pager salesman back in the day. I can remember selling those huge bricks of a phone. People would actually …

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Voice Recognition Toys For Kids? I Don’t Think So.

There has been a new trend in toys for the past couple of years that includes various forms of voice recognition software. Voice recognition technology has always, at least in my personal experience, been a hit or miss proposition. It has definitely gotten better in recent years, but how does it perform on a budget? …

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Tech Bundle – July 23

Have more than one email? Want to aggregate them all into one interface that is online? Fuser, a new service that is still in beta, may be just what the doctor ordered! There’s also a review of the site on Mashable: Fuser to Launch Email Aggregating Service. EachDay is photo and multimedia sharing site that …

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Tech Bundle – June 21, 2007

Seven Tips To Get On The Good Side Of Your System Administrator “I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I find it incredibly annoying when non-tech people assume that system administrators are walking computer encyclopedias. With this in mind, here are a few pieces of advice that will get you a few extra brownie …

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